Democratization in Indonesia: An Assessment
Democratization in Indonesia: An Assessment is not simply a report. It is both a product and a tool.
It is a product in the sense that it is the outcome of a dialogue in which a broad range of Indonesians participated. They represent civil society, academics, politicians, policymakers, the media, and women’s and inter-faith organizations.
It is a tool because it makes a set of practical recommendations, and shows that at different stages in the country’s democratic evolution, the process of ‘democratic dialogue’ can be used as an effective, participatory problem-solving mechanism.
It is hoped that this report will help identify the main democratic challenges that Indonesia faces and assist national policymakers in prioritizing the reform agenda. It is also hoped that it will assist the international community to provide strategic assistance to the Indonesia community to develop their own, sustainable democratic processes and institutions.
Executive Summary
Regional Autonomy
Civil Military Relations
Civil Society
Socioeconomic Development
Religious Pluralism
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