This report seeks to contribute to the success of the Summit for Democracy process by drawing lessons from the Year of Action and Second Summit and presenting opportunities for shaping an inclusive and effective Third Summit for Democracy.

It examines the setup of the Second Summit, the state of implementation of past democracy commitments, the new commitments made by participating countries, and the level of inclusion of civil society and Democracy Cohorts at the summit. The report also presents recommendations which could pave the way for stronger connectivity, better structures and more inclusion and representation for future summits.


Complementary reading: Reviewing the Summit for Democracy from a Participating Country Perspective, a Brief from the Supporting Team Europe Democracy (STED) Project, December 2023. 


Publication date
05 July 2023
Number of pages
978-91-7671-654-0 (PDF)

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Democratic Engagement after Two Summits for Democracy

Reviewing the Impact and Providing some Reflections for the Future
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