Democracy Assistance and Results: Debates and Constructive Reflection
On 23–24 June 2014 International IDEA hosted a round-table event entitled ‘Democracy Assistance and Results: Debates and Constructive Reflection’ in order to facilitate open and forward-looking discussions on the challenges (and opportunities) of applying results-management approaches to democracy assistance—that is, support to parliamentary development, electoral processes, political parties/party systems, civil society, media development and so on.
The event was part of a project led by International IDEA’s Democracy and Development Programme, one of the objectives of which is to contribute to knowledge and debates about democracy assistance and results-management approaches. In brief, the purpose of the round table was to empower and encourage participants to reflect critically on how to promote learning, as well as genuine partner ownership of democracy assistance projects and programmes.
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
The sessions
Concluding round-table discussion
Key takeaways and the road ahead
Annex 1. Further readings
Annex 2. List of participants
Annex 3. Roundtable agenda
About International IDEA
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