This paper presents the conclusions and recommendations from an international round table on ‘Democracy and Human Rights’ held at the United Nations in New York on 11–12 July 2011 and co-organized by International IDEA, the UN Department of Political Affairs and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The round table, which brought together over 50 policymakers, practitioners and academics, aimed to provide an opportunity to analyse the linkages between democracy and human rights and their relevance to current UN actions. It was part of a series of policy-oriented events organized by the UN and International IDEA on the relationship between democracy building and the pillars of UN work.


Publication date
24 September 2013
Number of pages
United Nations, United Nations Development Programme, UN Human Rights
978-91-86565-89-3 (Print)


Key Recommendations

Executive Summary


Human Rights and Democracy Building: Setting the Constitutional and Governance Framework

Role and Impact of the UN and Regional Organizations in Promoting a Rights-Based Approach to Governance

UN Coherence in Building Sustainable Democratic Governance Based on the Rule of Law

Conclusions and Recommendations


References and Further Reading


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Democracy and Human Rights: The Role of the United Nations

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