Democracy and development are deeply intertwined in spite of the difficulty of identifying a direct, causal and quantifiable relationship between them. More importantly, they are increasingly understood today as including each other to a great extent and building upon each other.

Both democracy and development are political processes requiring long-term, context-specific and integrated approaches, and they need to be owned, shaped and pursued by those who demand them and who will be their ultimate beneficiaries. Enhancing the capacity of democratic institutions to deliver on the reduction of poverty and inequality is key to the reclaiming of their credibility.

These issues were discussed at the Democracy and Development Round Table held in New Delhi from 17 to 18 June 2008. The event was organized by International IDEA and the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS).


Publication date
09 February 2009
Number of pages
978-91-85724-58-1 (Print)




Acronyms and abbreviations

Opening statements

Part 1. Development: an ideal, an electoral slogan, or a sine qua non of democracy?

Part 2. Room for politics: democratizing national ownership of development

Part 3. Democracy and development: the impact of globalization

Concluding remarks and messages

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Democracy and Development in a Globalized World

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