International IDEA organized a democratic and transparent dialogue on Darfur, Sudan, for academics, experts, civil society activists, and youth groups from Darfur in the diaspora, in Kampala, Uganda, between 28 and 30 August 2023, titled: ‘From the Horrors of War to the Bliss of Peace, Coexistence, and Stability’.

The conference aimed to bring together the people of Darfur in the diaspora, regardless of their political and ethnic backgrounds, to discuss challenges and potential solutions. It summarized its recommendations to all actors so that they could serve as a guide for policymakers. The final session of the conference was attended by representatives of international organizations, including the United Nations and the European Union. This Report is issued as part of the proposals emphasized by the participants in the Darfur Dialogue.





Publication date
06 December 2023
Sami Saeed
Number of pages
978-91-7671-718-9 (PDF)



Executive summary

1. Background

2. About the Darfur dialogue

3. The impact of the 15 April war (2023) on Darfur

4. Humanitarian needs and assistance: Actors, challenges and opportunities

5. Why have peace and stability efforts failed in Darfur?

6. Local and traditional means of conflict prevention, mediation and peacebuilding

7. Available international mechanisms to stop the war in Darfur

8. Recommendations


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Darfur Dialogue: From War to Peace, Coexistence and Stability

Kampala, Uganda, 28–30 August 2023
people sitting above a wall in Khartoum, Sudan, with a banner on the wall
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