This book presents a brief history of past constitutions in Nepal from the perspective of constitution making, and a more detailed examination of the substance of the 1990 Constitution.

It identifies some of the proposals and controversies surrounding political reform and references the relevant experience of other countries.

The book should prove useful to members of the current Constituent Assembly, who has been tasked to draft a new Constitution of Nepal, and of civil society as well as constitutional lawyers, the media and those debating the vision that the new constitution should encapsulate and fulfil.


Publication date
27 November 2008
Yash Ghai, Jill Cottrell
Number of pages
978-91-85724-51-2 (Print)




1. Form and Purposes of a Constitution

2. History of Constitutions and Constitution Making in Nepal

3. The 1990 Constitution and Its Collapse

4. The Making of the New Constitution: The Interim Constitution's Road Map

5. Fundamental Constitutional Principles

6. Human Rights as the Framework for Freedom, Diversity, and Social Justice

7. Diversity, Rights, and Unity

8. Women and the Constitution

9. Liberty, Freedom, and Participation

10. Human Rights and Social Justice

11. Elections and the Electoral System

12. Political Parties

13. Systems of Government

14. Federalism, Devolution, Local Government

15. The National Executive

16. The National Legislature

17. The Judiciary

18. National Security and Democracy

19. Maintaining the Role of the Constitution

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Creating the New Constitution: A Guide for Nepali Citizens

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