Despite its impressive natural resources, Africa has failed to realize equitable resource-based industrialization, remaining imprisoned in the neo-colonial paradigm of supplying the world with low-value-added primary commodities and importing high-value-added products and services. In 2009, the African Union’s Africa Mining Vision (AMV) outlined a vision and path for member states to pursue equitable resource-based industrialization. The adoption and domestication of continental frameworks on mineral resource governance in Africa such as the African Mining Vision, the African Minerals Governance Framework, the Country Mining Vision Guidebook, the African Commodities Strategy, has been slow and requires additional effort.

This report presents a wide variety of strategies to accelerate the adoption and domestication of these frameworks, in order to realize the growth, development, industrialization and employment opportunities associated with mineral extraction.


Publication date
30 December 2024
Paul Jourdan
Number of pages
978-91-7671-876-6 (PDF)




Executive summary

1. Continental frameworks for mineral resource governance in Africa

2. Strategies for facilitating the adoption of African frameworks for mineral resource governance 

3. Conclusions


About the author


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Continental Frameworks for Mineral Resource Governance in Africa

Strategies for Enhanced Domestication
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