The Commonwealth Caribbean is experiencing a new wave of constitutional change, with constitutional review and reform on the political agenda in many countries across the region. This report from International IDEA and UNDP examines the agendas for change, the salient issues across the region and the options for reform.

Informed and inspired by a conference hosted by International IDEA and UNDP in Bridgetown, Barbados, in June 2023, the report enables the sharing of experiences and the cross-pollination of ideas from across the region. It brings together the perspectives of Commonwealth Caribbean constitutional scholars and leading practitioners of
constitutional change, including government ministers, other senior parliamentarians, members of constitutional reform commissions or committees, and international advisors from UNDP and International IDEA.

This report will be useful to anyone involved in these constitutional review and reform processes, whether governmental, intergovernmental, non-governmental or academic.


Publication date
31 December 2024
W. Elliot Bulmer
Number of pages
978-91-7671-798-1 (PDF)





Executive summary


1. The Westminster Model in the Commonwealth Caribbean

2. Representation and participation

3. Strengthening Parliaments

4. Bicameralism and Senate reform

5. Fourth-branch institutions and Advisory Councils

6. Republicanism and the Head of State

7. Local democracy

8. Human rights, the rule of law and judicial reform

9. Closing remarks


Annex A. Names of participants

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Constitutional Change in the Commonwealth Caribbean

the independence arch in Barbados with three persons standing below it
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