Support to democratic governance in Mozambique

“Support to Democratic Governance in Mozambique” is a four-year programme funded by the European Union (EU) and developed as an opportunity to strengthen democratic institutions and processes in the country through support during and after the upcoming 2024 General Elections in Mozambique. 

The programme is proposed under Priority 3 of the EU Multi-annual Indicative Programme for Mozambique 2021-2027 Mozambique that among others, aims to support Mozambique transformation through political inclusion having governance, peace, and a just society.  

Programme Objectives

This action aims to strengthen and promote democracy and inclusive democratic processes in Mozambique through improve capacities of relevant local stakeholders to observe electoral processes and to propose electoral reforms and strength the role of Parliament and other actors in the legislative and oversight processes.  

The action encompasses two components: (i) Support for credible citizen observer efforts including advocacy and support for electoral reforms and (ii) Support to Parliament (and other public institutions) in the post-election period to improve draft legislation and better exercise its oversight functions. By combining these elements, the action will contribute to improve efficiency, integrity and accuracy of the electoral processes and reinforce transparency and accountability of democratic institutions at central level, including oversight by the parliament and civil society.

Our partners include Mais Integridade electoral observation civil society consortium, as well as electoral management bodies, Parliament, and other public institutions. 


Key contacts

Miguel Orlando Mendes de Brito
Head of Programme, Mozambique
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