Edinburgh Dialogue on Post-Conflict Constitution Building

The Edinburgh Dialogues are meant to assist participants and, through publications, a wider audience in:
- Exploring the relationship between peacemakers and constitution-makers, and the processes of peace and constitution building;
- Building an epistemic community of people engaged at the interface between peace and constitution building;
Addressing critical process design issues in post-conflict contexts or conflict-affected settings seeking to emerge from violent conflict, particularly where these processes involve ‘novel’ forms of constitutional law, such as interim constitutions or other interim arrangements; and - Addressing critical gaps in the comparative constitutional law and peace building literatures, especially as these gaps relate to the interconnection between constitution and peace building.
Each workshop produces a report based on the discussions and outcomes.
The Edinburgh Dialogues participants include regular members from the United Nations Mediation Support Unit and Standby Team on Mediation Support, the United Nations Development Programme, UN Special Representatives of the Secretary General, the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue and Conciliation Resources.
Partners: Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law (ECCL), PeaceRep (formerly PSRP), Global Justice Academy, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Key contacts