Consolidation of Peruvian Democracy

Consolidation of Peruvian Democracy

In recent years, Peru has implemented various changes in its rules of political representation, responding, among others, to the recommendations of the electoral observation missions of the European Union in 2016, 2020 and 2021. These changes include legislation to guarantee selection processes of more democratic candidacies, promoting gender parity and alternation in lists, as well as additional mechanisms to increase transparency and control of political financing.

However, challenges persist that go beyond the existence of dispersed regulations, since there are still few spaces that allow the political participation of citizens belonging to vulnerable groups.

After the 2021 general elections, distrust has been generated in a significant part of the population towards electoral bodies. This mistrust has been exacerbated by media coverage characterized by ignorance of the basic rules of the electoral process and the spread of false news.

This project aims to consolidate Peruvian democracy by strengthening electoral integrity, in line with the recommendations of the European Union electoral observation missions in 2020 and 2021. It also seeks to increase the representation and political participation of underrepresented groups, especially women and youth, and promote a better informed citizenry on political issues and electoral processes.


Key contacts

Luis Egusquiza Mori
Programme Officer
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