Does the country provide individual online voter registration/polling assignment checks?

Dominican Republic
- Yes, confirmation of registration using online interface
- Yes, assigned polling station using online interface
Electoral Law of the Dominican Republic 275-97 (last updated in 2016)
Título VI, Artículo 35: La Junta Central Electoral creará, con no menos de treinta (30) días de anticipación los colegios electorales que juzgue necesarios para cada elección, determinará los lugares donde deban situarse, haciéndolo de conocimiento público, y señalará la demarcación territorial que haya de abarcar cada uno…
The Central Electoral Board does not seem to maintain a permanent site for voters to verify such information. However, ahead of elections, they provide an online portal for voters to confirm if they are registered, and to check their polling station (source). This is consistent with the Electoral Law which stipulates that the Central Electoral Board must, at a minimum of 30 days before an election, finalize the location of polling stations, thus, such information is necessarily unavailable outside of election cycles due to the flexibility accorded to the Board.