If the EMB uses technology to collect voter registration data, is biometric data captured and used during registration?

Ward andVillage-tract Sub-commission Work Guidelines
Printing theAmendment of (28.7.2014) in accord with Hluttaw Election Rules
PreparingVoting Roll
8. Ward orVillage-tract Sub-commission shall prepare voting roll in accord with the lawfor Pyithu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw, Region Hluttaw or State Hluttaw and RegionHluttaw or State Hluttaw for relevant national races as follows-
a) voting roll for Hluttaw shall be preparedwith Form (1) prescribed in relevant Hluttaw election rule and voting roll forRegion Hluttaw or State Hluttaw for relevant national races shall be preparedwith Form (1-A).
(b) in preparing voting roll in ward-wise orvillage tract-wise in accordance with relevant Hluttaw election law and rules,it should be based on lists of number of people who are 18 years old and above(including the persons with disabilities) compiled by relevant TownshipPrincipal Officers, Ward or Village-tract Principal Officers, TownshipImmigration and Population Department and National Registration Department.When preparing the lists, shall urge eligible voters to come and see it. If thenames not eligible are included in the voting roll, Ward or Village-tract Sub-commissions shall scrutinize and delete these names in accord with the Law andif the names eligible are not included, these names shall be inserted in thevoting roll in accord with the law by Ward or Village-tract Sub- commissions.