If the EMB uses technology to collect voter registration data, is biometric data captured and used during registration?

- Yes, fingerprint scans
- Signature
General Regulation of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes (2012)
Título II, Capítulo II, Artículo 21: La inscripción o actualización se perfecciona con la firma y la impression de las huellas dactilares. Quienes no sepan o no puedan firmar, estamparán únicamente las huellas dactilares.
Given that voters must present their identification cards upon registering to vote, and that those cards already have a photo, no new photo is taken in registration. However, both fingerprints and signatures are collected in order to be added to the Electoral Register (see Título II, Capítulo II, Artículo 21 of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes [OLEP]).