Voting method

- Personal
- Postal
Norway, Election Act (LOV-2002-06-28-57; Last update: 01.01.2022), accessed 6 May 2022
Section 2-4. In which municipal authority areas the electors shall be registered
(3) Those who are entitled to vote and who are resident outside Norway shall be included in the register of electors in the municipal authority area in which they were last registered at the Population Registry as being resident. Persons living abroad who have not been registered at the Population Registry as being resident in Norway at any time in the course of the last 10 years prior to Election Day, must nevertheless apply to the Electoral Committee to be included in the register of electors. Such applications must include an assurance that the person in question is still a Norwegian national.
Section 8-2. Who may receive advance votes
(2) The following persons may function as returning officers abroad
a) a member of the Foreign Service at a paid Norwegian Foreign Service mission. On special authorisation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs voting may also take place in the presence of a member of the Foreign Service at an unpaid Norwegian Foreign Service mission. The head of mission may when it is deemed to be necessary appoint one or more of the officials at the mission to act as returning officers for advance votes. […]
(4) Voters who are outside the realm and unable to visit a returning officer may cast a vote by letter post without a returning officer being present when the votes are cast.