Voting method

Moldova, Republic of
Republic of Moldova, Electoral Code (No. 1381-XIII of 21.11.1997, last amended by Law No. 162 of 20.07.2020), [unofficial translation], accessed 14 July 2021
Article 58. Voting
(1) Every voter must vote in person. Voting for other individuals is not allowed. The Precinct Electoral Bureau shall hand out ballot papers to voters as per the voters’ list only upon the presentation of an identification document. Voters shall confirm the receipt of the ballot paper by signing in the voters’ list next to their name. A stamp is affixed on their ID slip or on the document based on which they vote, confirming that they voted on Election Day. [...]
(4) In the polling stations located outside the Republic of Moldova the voters shall fill in a personal responsibility statement certifying that they would refrain from multiple voting, being informed about criminal liability if this obligation is infringed.