Election type

Moldova, Republic of

Moldova, Republic of

  • Presidential
  • Legislative
  • Referendums

Republic of Moldova, Electoral Code (No. 1381-XIII of 21.11.1997, last amended by Law No. 162 of 20.07.2020), [unofficial translation], accessed 14 July 2021

Article 2(3): Moldovan citizens residing out of the country shall enjoy full voting rights under the present Code. Diplomatic and consular missions are required to provide proper environment so that these citizens may enjoy the right of suffrage.

Article 22. General Responsibilities of the Central Electoral Commission

(1) As a specialised body in the electoral area, the Central Electoral Commission shall: […]

d) ensure compilation and verification of voters lists by co-operating with central and local public authorities, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, and with diplomatic missions and consular offices; […]

g) cooperate during the organisation and conduct of elections with: […]

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, diplomatic missions and consular offices, in creating polling stations for citizens living abroad; […].

Article 134. Special Restrictions on Suffrages

(1) Active-duty military shall not participate in local elections.

(2) Voters who are not residents of the respective administrative-territorial unit may not participate in the elections of the local council and mayor.


Electoral Code provides for Presidential, Legislative, Local Elections as well as Referendums. According to Article 134, voters “who are not a resident in a respective territorial-administrative unit may not participate in the elections of the local council and mayor”.

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