Voting method

Kosovo, Central Election Commission, Law No. 03/L-073 on General Elections [in English], accessed 17 February 2021
CHAPTER XIV Out Of Kosovo Voting
Article 96 General Provisions
96.1 An eligible voter who is temporarily absent from Kosovo may vote for elections for the Kosovo Assembly if he or she has successfully applied for Out of Kosovo voting in accordance with the provisions of this law and CEC rules.
96.2 An Out of Kosovo Vote should be received by the CEC prior to election day as determined by CEC rule.
Kosovo, CEC website, FAQs, accessed 17 February 2021
“How do I vote if I live overseas?
If you live overseas, you must apply for this service by completing the Registration Form , which can be found on the CEC Web site, and submit the form along with a copy of your ID within the deadline set by mail, e-mail or fax. If the application is accepted, you receive the confirmation from the CEC along with the ballot. Then fill in the ballot, put it in the envelope of secrecy, which should have no mark, and then put that envelope in the other envelope. In the return envelope with the CEC address, enclose a valid copy of the identification document and a note containing the name, surname, parent's name and date of birth. The package should be sent to the following address: Central Election Commission Voting By Mail Post Office 6, mailbox 351 10000 Pristina Republic of Kosovo”