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Chapter 25.  Absentee Voting

18 V.I.C. ? 661  (2012)

?661.  Definitions

  As used in this chapter:

   (1) 'Absentee' means:

      (a) any member of the UniformedServices of the United States or;

      (b) any person registered andotherwise qualified to vote in elections in the United States Virgin Islandswho is:

         (i) a person or his spouse who isengaged in educational pursuits and who is residing either outside theTerritory of the Virgin Islands or in an election district other than that inwhich he is registered; or

         (ii) an officer or employee of theGovernment of the United States Virgin Islands or the Government of the UnitedStates assigned to official duties outside of the election district in which heis registered; or

         (iii) the spouse of any member ofthe Uniformed Services of the United States; or

         (iv) any person who has not beenout of the election district in which he is registered for more than 90 daysprior to the date of the election for which absentee status is sought; or

         (vii) absent from the district ofhis residence because of his accompanying a spouse, parent or child who wouldbe entitled to apply for the right to vote by absentee ballot;

   (2) 'Uniformed Services of the United States' meansthe Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard, United States Public Health ServicesCommissioned Corps, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationCommissioned Corps and the Merchant Marine.

   (3) 'Election' means either 'generalelection' or 'primary election' as defined in section 1 of thistitle or a referendum officially sanctioned as provided by law.

   (4) 'Special Write-In Absentee Ballot' means amethod for voting by military and other persons overseas who, due to militarycontingencies or special circumstances such as those faced by submariners,national community service organizations, missionaries or others in remoteareas, will be out of communication for extended periods of time and unable toreceive the regular ballot in the normal time frame.

HISTORY: --Added Feb. 20, 1963, No. 936, ? 1; amended July 3,1972, No. 3228, ? 2, Sess. L. 1972, p. 141; May 16, 1974, No. 3565, ? 1, Sess.L. 1974, p. 94; Jan. 5, 1982, No. 4659, ? 1(a), Sess. L. 1981, p. 280; Aug. 26,1985, No. 5091, ? 1(a), (b), Sess. L. 1985, p. 107; July 10, 1998, No. 6239, ?3(2), Sess. L. 1998, p. 365; Dec. 28, 2011, No. 7334, ?? 1(3.)(a), 2(1.), (2.),Sess. L. 2011, p. --.

See also ? 662.  When permitted

  (a) Anyperson who fulfills the definition of an absentee pursuant to section 661 ofthis chapter who, on the day of an election, is absent from the electiondistrict in which he is registered, and therefore is unable to vote in person,may vote at such election in the manner provided by this chapter. In the caseof a member of the armed forces of the United States or his spouse, thecommanding officer of such member shall certify his or her status as such, andin the case of a college student or his spouse, the registrar of his learninginstitution shall certify his or her status as such.

(b) If a U.S. citizen living outside the UnitedStates who has never lived in the United States has a parent who is a qualifiedelector in the United States Virgin Islands, then that citizen is eligible toregister and vote in the election district wherein his or her parent is aqualified elector in the United States Virgin Islands.

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