Voting method

Gabon, Loi n°07/96 du 12 mars 1996 portant dispositions communes à toutes les élections politiques (last amended by Law 004/2023 from 07 May 2023), accessed 17 December 2023
Article 51 (loi n°10/98 du 10 juillet 1998) : Les gabonais résidant à l'étranger demeurent inscrits sur la liste électorale de leur dernière résidence au Gabon, sous réserve des dispositions relatives à l'élection présidentielle et au référendum.
See also information in the Official Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Gabon:
Voting by Gabonese abroad
Voting is an important civic act that you can carry out even abroad. It is also important to know the conditions for exercising this right when you are abroad.
Conditions for participation in an election
You are a Gabonese established outside Gabon, your residence abroad is not an obstacle to exercise your right to vote. But, to be able to vote, you must:
1. meet the conditions defined by Gabonese law to be a voter: "Gabonese men and women are eligible to vote, over the age of eighteen, enjoying their civil and political rights and not being in any case of incapacity provided for by law » (Article 2 of the Electoral Code).
2. be registered on an electoral list in Gabon and/or on a consular electoral list.
Registration on a consular electoral list
You can request your registration on the consular electoral list kept by each consulate or embassy with a consular district.
You can only request registration on the consular electoral list maintained by the consulate of the place of your residence.
When and how to request this registration?
Registration on a consular electoral list is very easy, you can request it at any time (but imperatively before the last working day of the ?current year so that it is taken into account for the following year) You will also need to indicate whether you are registered on an electoral list in Gabon and, if so, to specify, for the election of the President of the Republic and the referendum, your choice to vote, either in Gabon or abroad.
If you become an adult during the year or no later than March 31 of the ?following year, you can request your registration on the consular electoral list no later than the last working day of the current year.
In which elections does this registration allow you to participate?
You cannot vote abroad for all elections. This is only possible when Gabon is a single electoral constituency (with national tabulation of results). Once registered on a consular electoral list, you will be able to vote abroad for the election of the President of the Republic and in the referendum, but this will depend on:
a. If you do If you are not registered on an electoral list in Gabon, you will only be registered on a consular electoral list: you will therefore only vote abroad and only for the election of the President of the Republic and the referendum
b. If you are already registered on an electoral list in Gabon, as you cannot be registered on two lists to vote for the same election, you will need choose: either vote abroad for the election of the President of the Republic and the referendum and in Gabon for the legislative and municipal elections; either continue to vote in Gabon for all elections (1).
No provision was found on specific voting method in the legislation. However, information in the Official Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs implies that foreign residents vote in the offices of embassies and consulates in person.