Voting method

Botswana, Electoral Act of 1968 (as of 2004), accessed 31 October 2019
Article 9. Where a person is entitled to register as a voter in terms of this Act is resident outside Botswana, such person may register in accordance with the provisions of this section. [...]
EISA Technical Assessment Team Report: Botswana Parliamentary and Local Government Elections16 October 2009
The 2009 registration of voters was conducted in all the 2,288 polling stations across Botswana and at 26 external polling stations located in countries where Botswana has embassies or consular missions (IEC Secretary 2009).
Voting from Abroad: The International IDEA Handbook (2007)
“External voting in Botswana was introduced fairly recently, as part of a package of constitutional and electoral reforms in 1997. The Constitutional Amendment Act of 1997, section 4, subsection (a) reduced the voting age from 21 to 18 years, while the Electoral Act section 5(3) amendment of 1997 permitted citizens resident outside the country to vote externally.”