Voting method

Republic of Nauru, Electoral Act, No. 15 of 2016 (including all the amendments as of August 2022), accessed 28 August 2022
4 Application for proxy voting authorisation
(1) A voter who is entitled to vote at a particular election but who will not be in the Republic on the polling day for the election may (in line with Section 78(1) and (5) of the Act) make an application to the Returning Officer for a proxy voting authorisation after the closing of the Roll specified in Section 52(2) of the Act. […]
Nauru citizens can authorize another Nauru citizen to vote for them by proxy while they are overseas. The Electoral (Proxy Voting) Regulations 2004 are not available online. Researcher emailed Nauru Parliament to request a copy of these Regulations. No reply was received. However, Electoral (Proxy Voting) (Amendment) Regulations of 2010 and Electoral (Proxy Voting) Regulations 2016 can be found online. The Electoral (Proxy Voting) Regulations 2004 have been extended to apply to Referendums: see Referendum Procedures (Proxy Voting) Regulations 2010. See also a sample Proxy Voting Application