Voting method

Micronesia, Federated States of
- Personal
- Postal
Public Law 14-76; as amended by Public Law 14-98; 15-02 and 16-31. For sub-national elections, see Chuuk Code; Kosrae State Code; Yap State Code.
Section 601(3): “An absentee voter may vote by absentee ballot in one of the following ways:
(a) by mail; […]
(d) by voting at a special Polling Place; or
(e) by voting at a traveler Polling Place” (as amended by PL 14-98):
Voters must complete an absentee vote request: s601(5). Absentee vote requests may be sent via embassies or consulates in foreign countries. Ballots may also be collected and returned via an embassy or consulate: Section 602(1)c. (as amended by PL 16-31):
The legislation provides for the establishment of 2 special polling places in overseas (US) territory: one in Guam, and one in Honolulu. The legislation expressly prohibits the establishment of any further special polling places abroad: Section 605(2). (as amended by PL 15-02).
Sub-National Elections
At the sub-national level, voting from abroad arrangements are in place for at least 3 of the 4 states of FSM, usually by postal vote, but also at special polling places in the State of Yap.
Chuuk Code, Title 13 ‘Elections,’ Chapter 6 'Election Day Procedures’ Articles 1532, 1533 and 1538.
Kosrae State Code, Title 3 ‘Suffrage and Elections,’ Part II ‘Elections,’ Chapter 16 ‘Absentee Voting,’ Sections 3.1601, 3.1603, and 3.1604.
Yap State Code, Title 7, ‘Elections,’ Chapter 7, ‘Absentee Voters,’ Articles 701-707.
Deadlines apply for absentee vote requests. Requests must be received by the Director more than 40 days before the election: Section 602(2) (see PL16-31). It is possible that voting from abroad arrangements may be in place in the State of Pohnpei. However, note that the laws of the State of Pohnpei are not available online.