Electoral system family

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Bermuda Constitution Order 1968, accessed 3 March 2025
Article 52. Divisions of Bermuda into single-member constituencies.
1. For the purpose of the elections, Bermuda shall be divided into thirty-six constituencies.
2. Each constituency shall return one member to the House of Assembly.
3. For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section, the names and boundaries of the constituencies shall be those set out in the Second Schedule to this Constitution: Provided that the said Schedule may from time to time be modified by order made by the Governor in accordance with section 54(6) of this Constitution.
ConstitutionNet, Bermuda - Parliamentary Election Act 1978, accessed 3 March 2025
Article 56. Count of ballots
(1) Immediately after the close of the poll at a parliamentary election, the Returning Officer shall seal the ballot box so as to prevent the introduction of additional ballot papers and shall take charge of such box and shall then, in the presence of such of the candidates as may choose to attend, and such other persons whom the Returning Officer shall permit to be present not exceeding three persons for each candidate, open the ballot box and ascertain the result of the poll by counting the votes given to each candidate: Provided that any candidate who is not present at the count of votes may nominate one person as his agent to be present thereat in his place.
(2) Immediately after the counting of the votes pursuant to subsection (1) has terminated, a candidate or his agent present at the count may demand a recount and thereupon, unless the Returning Officer considers the demand to be unreasonable having regard to the result of the first count, he shall proceed to re-count the votes accordingly to ascertain the result of the poll.
(3) In the event of a re-count of votes — (a) every other candidate or his agent shall have the right to demand a further re-count, and the Returning Officer may in his own discretion conduct further re-counts; (b) the result of the poll shall be determined by the final count of the votes.
(4) When the result of the poll has been ascertained the Returning Officer shall, subject to section 57 forthwith publicly declare to be elected the candidate to whom the majority of the votes has been given.
(5) References in this section to the ballot box shall, where more than one ballot box is used pursuant to section 35(2) be construed as a reference to all the ballot boxes so used at the parliamentary election in the constituency concerned.