Is e-voting currently used in any elections with EMB participation?



No, e-voting is not used currently

Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania (Autoritatea Electorală Permanentă), Law No. 208/2015 on the election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as on the organisation and functioning of the Permanent Electoral Authority, with the subsequent amendments and completions (Legea nr.208/2015 privind alegerea Senatului și a Camerei Deputaților, precum și privind organizarea și funcționarea Autorității Electorale Permanente, cu modificările și completările ulterioare), accessed 3 February 2025

Article 84 

(1) Voters shall vote only at the polling station that has jurisdiction over their street or locality of domicile or residence, according to this law. If, on the voting day, the voters are in another administrativeterritorial unit within the same electoral constituency, they can vote at any polling station within the electoral constituency of their place of domicile or residence. 

(2) Voters’ access in the voting room shall take place in series corresponding to the number of polling booths. Each voter shall present his/ her ID document, and, where appropriate, the document proving his/her residence, to the computer operator of the electoral bureau of the polling station, who shall insert the voter’s personal identifi cation number in the Computer system for monitoring turnout and preventing illegal voting. 

(3) If the voter does not appear on the permanent electoral list existing at the respective polling station, the Computer system for monitoring turnout and preventing illegal voting shall signal if: a) the person asking to vote has turned 18 years old until the day of the voting inclusively; b) the person asking to vote has lost his/her electoral rights; c) the person asking to vote is assigned to another polling station; (...)

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