Democracy for All - Ethnicity and Indigenous Peoples

Democracy for All - Ethnicity and Indigenous Peoples
As crises like climate change disproportionately impact ethnic minorities and Indigenous Peoples, recognizing and defending their rights is more critical than ever. International IDEA champions the democratic defense of these communities, addressing systemic marginalization and promoting their self-determination. Some of our resources are highlighted below.
- News: Pushing Back: Indigenous Advocacy in a Time of Shrinking Civil Space
- Project: Indigenous Peoples Champions for the Philippines
- Video: Indigenous Peoples Champions lift their voices for rights in the Philippines
- Publication: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Constitutions Assessment Tool
- Publication: Identities and the Politics of Ethnicity in Post-Coup Myanmar
- Publication: Deciphering Myanmar's Ethnic Landscape
- Publication: Conflict Resolution and Mediation Mechanisms in Ancestral Domains
- Publication: Full Recognition for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the Philippines
- Publication: A Rights-based Approach Evaluation of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples’ 11 Building Blocks
- Publication: Insights to Actions: An Advocacy Guide for Indigenous Peoples