Electoral system for national legislature

Legislative Herald of Georgia, Constitution of Georgia (საქართველოს კონსტიტუცია | სსიპ საქართველოს საკანონმდებლო მაცნე), accessed 9 October 2024
Article 37 – Parliamentary elections
1. Following the full restoration of Georgia’s jurisdiction throughout the entire territory of Georgia, two chambers shall be established within Parliament: the Council of the Republic and the Senate. The Council of the Republic shall be composed of members elected by a proportional system. The Senate shall be composed of members elected from the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, the Autonomous Republic of Ajara and other territorial units of Georgia, and five members appointed by the President of Georgia. The composition, powers, and procedures for the election of chambers shall be determined by the organic law.
2. Before the condition provided for by paragraph 1 of this article is created, Parliament shall be composed of 150 Members of Parliament elected in a single multi-mandate electoral district for a term of 4 years by a proportional system on the basis of universal, free, equal and direct suffrage, by secret ballot.
The Georgian Parliamentary website has been blocked, at the time of this entry (parliament.ge).