51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public?




Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on political parties, 2023, https://www.venice.coe.int/webforms/documents/?pdf=CDL-REF(2023)012-e 

Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2003 (as amended 2019). https://www.msk.gov.az/uploads/qanunvericilik/Election-code_2020.pdf


The political party publishes its annual financial report together with the audit report in the media. The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan publishes the annual financial report of the political party on its official website (Art. 27.6.). The financial reports of registered candidates, of political parties and blocs of political parties that have a registered candidate, and of referendum campaign groups shall be disseminated to the media by the constituency election commissions and the Central Election Commission. Additionally, candidates at parliamentary, presidential, and municipal elections (including political parties and blocs of political parties) are obliged to publish the financial information on election funds (Art. 95.1; 159.1; and 192.1.).

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