38. Is there a ban on vote buying?

Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2003 (as amended 2019). https://www.msk.gov.az/uploads/qanunvericilik/Election-code_2020.pdf
Candidates, registered candidates, political parties, blocs of political parties, referendum campaign groups, their agents, and other persons and organizations who participate directly in a pre-election campaign shall be prohibited from: giving money, gifts, and other valuable items (excepting badges, stickers, posters and campaign materials with other nominal value) to voters, except for purposes of performing administrative duties; rewarding voters who perform administrative duties, or promising voters a reward, on the basis of election results; selling goods at a discount or providing goods (except for printed materials) free of charge; providing free or discounted services; influencing voters during the pre-election campaign by promising them securities, money and other goods and services based on grounds that contradict legislation (Art. 88.4.). Candidates, political parties or blocs of political parties which have nominated a candidate and their authorized representatives, founders, owners, and proprietors, and legal entities who are persons or organizations mentioned above shall be prohibited from rendering financial and material assistance to other physical and legal entities, and from offering to render financial and material assistance or services to voters or organizations. Individuals and legal entities are prohibited from undertaking charitable activities on behalf of and with the purpose of supporting: political parties or blocs of political parties, the authorized representatives of these parties or blocs, and candidates (Art. 55.3).