8. Is there a ban on anonymous donations to candidates?

Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2003 (as amended 2019). https://www.msk.gov.az/uploads/qanunvericilik/Election-code_2020.pdf
ECode prohibits election funds of candidates and registered candidates from obtaining voluntary donations and assistance in kind or services to their election funds from anonymous donors who do not provide any information or misinform on one of the following items: For a citizen: • Forename, surname, or patronymic; • Batch and serial number and date of issue; • Identification document or substitute document; • Address; • Date of birth. For a legal entity: • Identification number of taxpayer; • Name; • Date of registration; • Bank account; • Amount of shares owned by the state or municipality in their charter capital; and • Amount of foreign shares in their charter (Art. 90.2.12).