Voting method

Eswatini, ELECTIONS ACT: ACT No. 6 of 2013; accessed 3 January 2024
Polling stations.
17. (5) In addition to the polling stations referred to in sub-sections (1) and (2), the office of each Ambassador, High Commissioner or Trade Representative of Swaziland abroad shall be a polling station at which registered voters residing in the country to which the Ambassador, High Commissioner, Trade Representative, as the case may be, is accredited, may cast their votes in respect of any contested election held under this Act, and the Ambassador, High Commissioner or Trade Representative, as the case may be, or a person deputed thereto by him, shall be the presiding officer for such polling station.
African Union Election Observation Mission to the 29th September 2023 General Elections in the Kingdom of Eswatini: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT (1st October 2023); accessed 3 January 2024
“27. Special voting was conducted on 26 September 2023 for qualifying citizens, including EBC officials, security personnel, foreign and diplomatic missions and inmates, in line with the new amendment. The AUEOM notes the enfranchisement of this category of voters.”
Elections and Boundaries Commission, 2013 National Elections Report; accessed 3 January 2024
The Commission conducted a special voting session for the polling personnel, security and the foreign mission personnel on the 22 and 23 August 2013.”