Voting method

Maldives, Act No: 11/2008: ELECTIONS (GENERAL) ACT, accessed 3 January 2024
12. (a) An elector who will not be in the island of which has been entered as his permanent address in the Register of Electors, and who wishes to vote in the election, should inform to the Election Commission in accordance with the Regulations made hereunder, where he will be on the date of the election.
Maldives, Presidential Election Regulation (2013); accessed 3 January 2024
17.(b) A ballot box shall be placed outside the Maldives for the Presidential Election, only in places where a diplomatic office is based and where a minimum of 100 (Hundred) persons have registered for voting in that place. A ballot box shall only be placed in Maldivian Resorts and industrial islands where a minimum of 50 (Fifty) persons has registered for voting in that place.
Maldives, Regulations for Parliamentary Elections (2014); accessed 3 January 2024
14. (b) Ballot boxes shall be placed outside of Maldives only in places where there is a Maldivian diplomatic office is based and where a minimum of 300 eligible voters registered for voting in that place. Ballot boxes shall only be placed in industrial islands and resorts within Maldives, if there are 100 eligible voters registered to vote in those locations.
EU Election Observation Mission Maldives Presidential Election, 9 September 2023: Preliminary Statement; accessed 3 January 2024
“There were 574 polling stations, including eight ballot boxes in five foreign countries (in descending voter numbers: India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates).”