Are official election results processed by an electronic tabulation system?




EU EOM report: "The TREP system was available online from the closing of polling at 18:00 hours and the first results protocols appeared immediate after the TSE’s public web portal. EU observers reported the transmission operations from polling centres ran smoothly. Publication rate was slow but constant. EU observers deployed in 42 tabulation processes at JEMs reported that procedures were conducted either very well or well in 16 cases and 22 cases respectively, and either badly or very badly organised in four cases. EU observers could witness a number of JEMs completing their tasks within JEDs facilities to either receive technical guidance and/or to be in a more security environment. EU observers noted that some JEMs were equipped with computerised tools to sum up the result protocols while other were preparing the consolidated documents manually. They also reported a strong commitment of JED members in the conduct of the tabulation and the presence of political parties agents. JEDs completed the tabulation between the 28 June and 30 June with unequal efficiency in fielding the department results’ protocol." 

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