Voting method

Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands, Elections and Referenda Act 1980 (last amended by P.L. 2019-118), accessed 25 December 2023
§161. Application for postal ballot papers by confined voter.
(1) A registered voter who: […] (b) will be outside of the Republic temporarily on the day of the election, may apply for a postal ballot paper.
(2) An application for a postal ballot paper under Subsection (1) shall be postmarked or made to reach the Chief Electoral:
(a) after the day on which the list of candidates is published under Section 148 of this Chapter, or after the twenty-first (21) day before the day of the election, whichever is the earlier; and
b) not later than five (5) days before the election, if the applicant will be outside of the Republic on the day of the election or the applicant is prevented by illness or confined due to physical disability from attending a polling place in order to vote in an election. […]
Radio New Zealand, Marshall Islands election puts opposition in driver’s seat, published on 15 December 2023, accessed 25 December 2023
“While the Post Office confirmed that 3,752 absentee ballots were mailed out to voters living outside the Marshall Islands, the vast majority of postal absentee votes either didn't arrive in time or were rejected for technical reasons, muting their impact.”