19. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate, what is the limit?



Donations to a political party are only permitted in the amount of a total of € 7,500 per calendar year per donor, regardless of whether it is a legal or natural person For new election campaigning parties, the maximum amount is five times this amount (€ 37,500) For political parties not represented in the state parliament, the maximum amount is double (€ 15,000) Insofar as maximum amounts are set for donations to a political party, these apply to the sum of the donations to the political party, the donations to its related organizations and to the committees of people attributable to it, as well as to members of parliament and election candidates to support them in their work for the political party political party donations.

Section 3, Bundesgesetz über die Finanzierung politischer Parteien
[(5)Pro Spender, gleichgültig ob es sich dabei um eine juristische oder eine natürliche Person handelt, sind pro Kalenderjahr Spenden an eine politische Partei im Sinne des § 2 Z 1 nur in der Höhe von insgesamt € 7.500 zulässig. Für juristische Personen, die Tochtergesellschaften oder ähnliche Strukturen haben, gilt diese Höchstsumme pro Kalenderjahr insgesamt. Für neu antretende wahlwerbende Parteien iSd Abs. 1a dritter Satz gilt, dass die Höchstsumme das Fünffache beträgt. Für nicht im Landtag vertretene politische Parteien iSd Abs. 1a letzter Satz gilt, dass die Höchstsumme das Doppelte beträgt, sofern die Spenden vonseiten des Spenders für Zwecke der Wahlwerbung im Rahmen des jeweiligen Landtags-Wahlkampfes zweckgewidmet und entsprechend verwendet werden.]


Donations to a political party are only permitted in the amount of a total of € 7,500 per calendar year per donor, regardless of whether it is a legal or natural person. For legal entities that have subsidiaries or similar structures, this maximum amount per calendar year applies in total. For new election campaigning parties, the maximum amount is five times this amount. For political parties not represented in the state parliament, the maximum amount is double, provided that the donations are earmarked by the donor for election advertising purposes within the framework of the respective state parliament election campaign and are used accordingly. 
Insofar as maximum amounts are set for donations to a political party, these apply to the sum of the donations to the political party, the donations to its related organizations and to the committees of people attributable to it, as well as to members of parliament and election candidates to support them in their work for the political party political party donations.

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