Electoral system for national legislature

Poland, Constitution 1997 (amended in 2009), accessed 18 December 2023
Article 96: 1. The Sejm shall be composed of 460 Deputies.
2. Elections to the Sejm shall be universal, equal, direct and proportional and shall be conducted by secret ballot.
Poland, Election Code 2011 (as of January 1, 2023 in Polish), accessed 18 December 2023
Article 192. Elections to the Sejm are universal, equal, direct and proportional and take place by secret ballot.
Art. 193. § 1. 460 deputies are elected to the Sejm from lists of candidates for deputies in multi-member constituencies. […]
Art. 196. § 1. In the division of seats in electoral districts, only the lists of candidates for deputies of those electoral committees whose lists received at least 5% of valid votes cast nationwide are taken into account.
§ 2. Lists of candidates for deputies of coalition electoral committees are included in the division of seats in electoral districts if their lists received at least 8% of valid votes cast nationwide.
See Article 202 for the details of seat allocation
Deputies are elected through open list PR system from 41 multi-member constituencies. Seats are allocated using the D'hondt method, with a 5% threshold for single parties and 8% threshold for coalitions.