45. Are there limits on online media advertising spending in relation to election campaigns?

Article 1: Order No. 860 of 2022 dated November 16, 2022, determining the total ceiling for spending on the election campaign for members of the House of Representatives of the People for the year 2022.:
The campaign for the elections of members of the House of People’s Representatives for the year 2022 will be financed exclusively through self-financing and private financing, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 75 of Basic Law No. 16 of 2014 dated May 26, referred to above.
Article 3, Order No. 860 of 2022 dated November 16, 2022, determining the total ceiling for spending on the election campaign for members of the House of Representatives of the People for the year 2022:
- The total spending ceiling specified for each candidate whose candidacy has been accepted for the 2022 elections for members of the Assembly of People’s Representatives is calculated based on the number of registered voters in the relevant electoral district.
Decision of the Independent Higher Authority for elections no. 2022-17 of July 1, 2022, setting the rules, procedures, and modalities for financing the referendum campaign.
Means of participation in the campaign: Announcements, public meetings, demonstrations, processions, rallies as well as all advertising actions in the various audiovisual, written, and electronic media and any other means of participation in the campaign.
Political advertising: This is any advertising or propaganda action for a fee or free of charge, using commercial marketing methods and techniques, aimed at the public and aimed at promoting a position to attract voters or influence their behavior and their choices, through audiovisual, written or electronic media or fixed or mobile advertising media, installed in public or private places or means.
Unofficial English translation.
There are limits for parties and candidates.
Additionally, the newer electoral regulation has updated its definition of media and advertising to include online digital media platforms.