38. Is there a ban on vote buying?

Article 3, the resolution of the high independent instance of elections, 2022-17, 1 July 2022, the rules, procedures, and methods to financing electoral campaign: the financing of the referendum campaign is subject to the basic principles stipulated in the Constitution, the relevant international agreements ratified by the Tunisian state, the electoral law, and the regulations related to the campaign spending ceiling and the procedures and conditions stipulated in this decision, and the relevant public authorities ensure compliance with them.
Article 161, organic-law, 2014-16, 26th May, of the elections and referendums: the following shall be punished by imprisonment from two to five years and a fine of two thousand to five thousand dinars:
Any person who intentionally obstructs any voter to prevent him from exercising his electoral right.
Anyone who leaked voting papers outside the polling station.
Any person who has been proven to have provided cash or in-kind gifts with the intention of influencing the voter, or used the same means to induce the voter to abstain from voting, whether before, during, or after the vote. In this case, the court must rule that the candidate loses his membership in the Assembly of People’s Representatives and deprive him of the right to run for life. It also stipulates that the voter beneficiary of gifts shall be deprived of his right to vote for a full period of ten years starting from the issuance of the final conviction ruling.
Unofficial English translation.
Vote buying is prohibited.