22. Is there a limit on in-kind donations to candidates?




Article 7, the resolution of the high independent instance: the campaign is financed exclusively from sources derived from self-financing and private financing.  Financing can be in cash or in-kind.
The value of the in-kind financing is deducted from the participant’s financial account within income and expenses. Its value is estimated by reference to the prices in force in the market when it is received and by taking into account consumption in accordance with the applicable accounting rules, and is counted within the electoral spending ceiling.

Article 17, 2022, 1 July 2022, The rules, procedures, and methods to finance the referendum campaign: each participant shall provide the Authority with the unique bank account identifier and the identity of the agent, in accordance with the publication prepared by the Authority for this purpose, within a maximum period of 48 hours from the publication of this decision.

Unofficial English translation.


The value of the in-kind financing is deducted from the participant’s financial account within income and expenses, and its value is estimated by referring to the prices in effect in the market when it is received and taking into account consumption in accordance with the applicable accounting rules and is counted within the electoral ceiling.

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