15. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during a non-election specific period, what is the limit?




Article 17, Decree-law of 2011-87, 2011, of the organization of political parties. 
Political party resources consist of:

- Member subscriptions of various types, provided that the value of one subscription per year does not exceed one thousand two hundred (1200) dinars. When the subscription amount exceeds two hundred and forty dinars (240), it is paid by bank or postal check or postal order.

- Aid, donations, gifts and bequests within the limits of the conditions stipulated in Chapter 19 of this decree.

- Revenues generated from the political party’s property and activities.

- Loans, provided that the list of pledges with all loan institutions stipulated in Law No. 65 of 2001 dated July 10, 2001, relating to loan institutions does not exceed the amount of two hundred thousand (200,000) dinars.

Article 19, Decree-law of 2011-87, 2011, of the  organization of political parties: chapter 19 - Political parties are prohibited from accepting:
- Direct or indirect financing, in cash or kind, issued by any foreign entity.
- Direct or indirect financing from an unknown source.
- Aid, donations, and gifts issued by legal entities, whether private or public, with the exception of funding included in the state budget.
- Donations, gifts, and bequests issued by natural persons whose annual value exceeds sixty thousand (60,000) dinars for each donor.

Unofficial English translation.


Political parties are prohibited from accepting donations, gifts, and bequests from individuals the annual amount of which exceeds sixty thousand thousand (60,000) dinars per donor. Different types of membership fees provided that the value of a single contribution does not exceed one thousand two hundred (1200) dinars per year. The contribution exceeds two hundred and forty (240) dinars shall be paid by bank or postal cheque or by postal order.

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