38. Is there a ban on vote buying?

Offences and penalty:
A person who— (c) in relation to voting —
(viii) uses or threatens violence or uses false information or other fraudulent means to coerce or induce another person to vote for or against a particular candidate or a candidate of a particular political party or to abstain from voting;
(ix) being a public officer, uses his or her office to coerce or induce another person to vote for or against a particular political party or candidate or abstain from voting;
(x) directly or indirectly, dismisses or threatens to dismiss another person from any employment or other gainful occupation or prevents or threatens to prevent another person from obtaining any employment or other gainful occupation or from continuing in any gainful occupation or applies or
threatens to apply any sanction whatsoever to another person in order to induce that other person to vote for, or because that other person voted for, a particular candidate or a candidate of a particular political party or because that other person abstained from voting;
Section 115, Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government Elections Act, 2022.
There are provisions against vote buying during the campaign period.