31. What are the provisions on 'ear marking' direct public funding to political parties (how it should be used)?



  • Campaign spending
  • Intra-party institution
  • Research and policy initiatives
  • Ongoing party activities

(1) A political party shall use funds received from the State for any of the following purposes—
(a) promoting the representation of the party in Parliament;
(b) promoting active participation of individual citizens in political life;
(c) covering of the election expenses of a political party and the broadcasting of the policies of the political party;
(d) the organization by the party of civic education in democracy and other political processes; and
(e) administrative and staff expenses of the party.
(2) The funds received from the State shall not be used for personal gain. 
Section 22, Political Parties Act (No. 1 of 2018).


As per the provision, the money given to the political party by the state can be spent on any of the ear marked activities in any percentage as decided by the party.

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