51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public?




43.4.Нам санхүүгийн тайлан болон үйл ажиллагааны товч тайлангаа сонгуулийн төв байгууллагад хүргүүлсэн өдрөөс хойш ажлын гурван өдрийн дотор өөрийн цахим хуудсанд байршуулж, цахим хуудасгүй намын тухайд өдөр тутмын хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгсэлд нийтэлж, нийтэд танилцуулах үүрэгтэй.

58.3.Төрийн аудитын дээд байгууллага энэ хуулийн 38.5, 38.13-т заасан мэдээллийг дүгнэлт гаргаж дууссан өдрөөс эхлэн, 58.4-т заасан мэдээллийг хүлээн авсан өдрөөс эхлэн өөрийн байгууллагын цахим хуудаст ил тавьж, нийтэд чөлөөтэй танилцах бололцоо олгоно.

Law on Political Party 43.4. A party is obligated to disclose its financial statement and brief activity report to the public by posting it on its website within 3 working days following the submission to the Central Election Body, and for a party without a website, by publishing it in a daily media outlet to disclose it publicly. 

Law on Parliamentary Election 58.3. State audit high authority shall review and make the statement on the information specified in Articles 38.5 and 38.13 and as of its completed date and as of the date of receiving the information specified in Article 58.4, post on its website to make it available for public to view. 

Unofficial English translation.


A party is obligated to disclose its financial statement and brief activity report to the public by posting it on its website within 3 working days following the submission to the Central Election Body. If a party does not have a website, it has to publish its records in a daily media outlet in order to disclose it publicly.

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