25. Is there a ban on candidates taking loans in relation to election campaigns?




29.3.Нэр дэвшигч хуульд заасан нийтлэг шаардлагаас гадна дараах шаардлагыг хангасан байна:
29.3.1.банк, бусад хуулийн этгээд, иргэнд шүүх болон арбитрын шийдвэрээр тогтоогдсон төлбөл зохих зээл, барьцаа болон батлан даалтын өр төлбөргүй байх.

Law on Parliamentary Election 29.3. A candidate shall meet the following requirements besides the general requirements set forth in law: (29.3.1. to have no loan, collateral and guarantee debts due to a bank or other legal entities or citizens as determined by a court and arbitration decision;).

Unofficial English translation.


Candidates should have no loan, collateral and guarantee debts due to a bank or other legal entities or citizens as determined by a court and arbitration decision.

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