11. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with partial government ownership to political parties?
34.6.5.төрийн болон орон нутгийн өмчит, төрийн болон орон нутгийн өмчийн оролцоотой аж ахуйн нэгж, тэдгээрийн захирал.
56.1.4.төрийн болон орон нутгийн өмчит, төрийн болон орон нутгийн өмчийн оролцоотой хуулийн этгээд.
Law on Political Party 34.6.5 state or local government owned and/or partially state or local government owned entities and/or their director and/or chairperson of the board of directors; (prohibited) Law on Parliamentary Election 56.1.4. a state or local government-owned or partially state or local government-owned legal entity; (prohibited).
Unofficial English translation.
Donations from corporations with partial government ownership to political parties are banned.