15. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during a non-election specific period, what is the limit?



Other (explain in comments in local currency)

Código Electoral de la República de Panamá
Artículo 245:
Para la precampaña, todos los precandidatos, sean de partidos políticos o por libre postulación, tendrán como tope de ingresos y gastos un tercio del tope establecido para la campaña en el artículo anterior; del cual hasta un tercio podrá ser utilizado en propaganda electoral.

Article 245: 
For the pre-campaign, all pre-candidates, whether of political parties or by free nomination, shall have as income and expense ceiling one third of the ceiling established for the campaign in the preceding article; of which up to one third may be used for electoral propaganda.

Unofficial English translation.


USD 100.000.
The Electoral Code refers to this donations when they are coming from a single source. (See articles 245 and 248).

These amounts of money are calculated according to article 245 and 248 of the electoral code. 
More info on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csk3-sJKn9I

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