51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public?




Law on Financing of Political Entities, Article 15, paragraph 5, subparagraph 1.

5. Political entities should publish and hold public at least one (1) year on their official websites, the Annual Financial Report of the previous year and Campaign Contribution Disclosure Reports of the previous elections and publish their own short version in one of the daily national newspapers. CEC shall determine the short version format on publication through a bylaw.
5.1. Annual Financial Report of political entity shall be published in the media foreseen in paragraph 5. of this Article till July 30 of the following year.


Political entities are required to publish and maintain, for a minimum of one year, the Annual Financial Report for the preceding year and the Financial Declaration Report of the Entity's Campaign on their official websites. An abbreviated version of these reports must also be published in one of the national daily newspapers.

The annual financial reports of political entities must be published by no later than July 30 of the subsequent year.

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