31. What are the provisions on 'ear marking' direct public funding to political parties (how it should be used)?



  • Campaign spending
  • Intra-party institution
  • Research and policy initiatives
  • Ongoing party activities

Law on Financing of Political Entities, Article 8.

1. The allocated funds may be used for these purposes:
1.1. financing the regular activities of political parties;
1.2. financing the branches of the political subjects;
1.3. financing the respective unites of organization of women and youth of the political subjects;
1.4. financing the pre-election and election activities of the political subjects;
1.5. financing the activities of parliamentary groups.


The law defines the purposes for which the means that political entities receive from the public budget can be used. They include financing the regular activities of political entities; financing of branches of political entities; financing of the relevant units of the organization of women and youth of political entities; financing of pre-election and election activities of political entities; as well as financing the activities of parliamentary groups.

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