41. Are there limits on the amount a candidate can spend?

Article 54
The total amount of expenses incurred by the electoral subject during the year shall not exceed 0.05% of the gross domestic product of Georgia of the previous year. This amount shall include the expenses incurred by the electoral subject and another person in its favour, which are determined by the Anti-Corruption Bureau and about which the relevant electoral subject is notified.
The upper limit of the total annual election expenses of an independent majoritarian candidate shall be determined as follows: the upper limit of the election campaign allowances for a political party (0.1% of the previous year's GDP) shall be divided by the total number of voters in the country and the number obtained must be multiplied by the number of voters in the respective electoral district.
Source: საქართველოს ორგანული კანონი საქართველოს საარჩევნო კოდექსი, 54-ე მუხლის, მე-7 და მე-8 ნაწილები, 2011
[Article 54 (7, 8), Organic Law of Georgia Election Code of Georgia, 2011].
Georgian legislation limits the amount that the electoral subject can spend, either in the pre-election period or in other periods.